Welcome to the dark side!
The Subterranean Biology Lab at University of Ljubljana continues a long tradition of speleobiology in Slovenia. This scientific discipline emerged in 1832, with the first scientific description of a cave organism, the slenderneck beetle Leptodirus hochenwartii.
Most subterranean species are small range endemics, and thus challenging for ecological and evolutionary research, as well as conservation. In Slovenia the rich and diverse subterranean fauna is an invaluable part of the national natural heritage. Together with its unique habitat, it is worth exploring and protecting in its own right.
We believe in collaborative work!
Whether a researcher, a student or a passionate amateur – please contact us!
Posted in Bio
The 3rd issue of the online bulletin eNarcIS has been published online and is available here (in Slovene). Part of…
Posted in Bio
Members of SubBioLab explored the biodiversity of subterranean animals in the area of the Trebišnjica river catchment as part of…
Posted in Bio
20.05. 2019 We participated at the “Cave organisms workshop” held within the 9 th annual meeting of the EFOR network in…