We are happy to announce approval of the bilateral cooperative project between Slovenia and Montenegro, with the title “Investigating subterranean biodiversity patterns as the basis to identify research and conservation priorities”. The project will be financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency in Slovenia, and Ministry of Science in Montenegro.
Project will strengthen the links between two research teams in cooperative countries, this is SubBioLab of Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana (project coordinator: dr. Maja Zagmajster) and the team led by Natural history museum of Montenegro (project coordinator: dr. Marko Karaman). We will have opportunities for mutual research visits of the teams in the period from 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2020.
Formal notices on project acceptances can be found here:
SLO: http://www.arrs.gov.si/sl/medn/dvostr/Drzave/CrnaGora/rezultati/18/rezult-cg-18-20.asp