Prof. dr. Boris Sket named honorary member of the International Society for Subterranean Biology
Prof. dr. Boris Sket named honorary member of the International Society for Subterranean Biology

The International Society for Subterranean Biology is a scientific asscociation, promoting scientific research as well as conservation activities in biology of subterranean habitats. At the General Assembly held in the time of 24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology in Averio in Portugal, a new honorary member of the society was announced by the council. We are proud to announce that this is prof. dr. Boris Sket, a founder and a previous leader of the Group for zoology and speleobiology (now SubBioLab). His contributions to scientific research of subterranean fauna as well conservation on national and international level were numerous; he was also a president of ISSB in the years 2004-2008.

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